

SAU的关键线索之一 职业治疗博士 (OTD) program is its focus on occupational justice: making sure people of all abilities have access to supports and resources so they can live a life of meaning with as much 独立 as possible.

首批31名OTD学生即将毕业, 他们已经成为职业正义的倡导者. 通过研究, 演讲和博士学位项目, this cohort is informing healthcare professionals here and across the world.

周六,OTD候选人将在2019年St. 可以买滚球的正规平台春季毕业典礼.

该大学于2016年秋季启动了博士课程, building on its long-established track record of Occupational Therapy education at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台. A key OTD change from the Master-level program was the addition of a doctoral capstone project.

"This graduating class has been doing fantastic work at all levels - local, 地区和国家, 甚至在国际上,OTD项目主任兼林恩·基尔伯格教授说. DHSc、工程/ L. "The hallmark of an entry doctoral program in OT is the emphasis on advanced knowledge and skill in a focused area selected by the student and mentored by faculty. 在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, the OTD program further encourages that emphasis to focus on occupational justice,基尔伯格说.

"Whether you are an older adult with a complex medical condition wanting to age in place, or school-aged child with a disability wanting to participate with your peers, we all should have access to the supports and resources to be able to do the things we want to do,她说.

The OTD cohort has carried its focus on occupational justice into medical and community settings across the U.S. 当他们完成了为期16周的顶点轮换. 在很多情况下, they are piloting programs and implementing action steps related to their doctoral projects. And, they have been presenting at regional, state and national conferences.

Candidates shared their doctoral capstone projects at the 2019 Occupational Justice Symposium in May. 此外,基尔伯格说,14街. 可以买滚球的正规平台 students presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) annual conference in New Orleans last month, some presented at the Institute for Person-Centered Care Conference at SAU and some have published electronic blogs and contributed to professional forums.




Candidates shared their doctoral capstone projects at the 2019 Occupational Justice Symposium in May.

OTD候选人麦肯齐·凯利录制了一段苹果播客, 半杯水, to share her research and drive for occupational justice for women.

凯利的博士研究课题, 角色的调整, 母亲的心理健康和新生儿重症监护病房经验, 发现, 在某种程度上, that mothers tend to abandon or dismiss their own self-care when they have a high-need infant in the NICU or at home.

"There are a lot of psychological and social issues that are disrupting their ability to participate fully in life,凯利说。. “当你把一个人的一部分功能还给他时, 无论是精神上的, 认知或社会功能, 你让他们对自己的日常习惯有了更多的自主权."

She is completing her capstone placement working in the NICU at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock. In part, she is helping the hospital develop an education program for parents with high-need infants. The goal is to make sure parents feel supported and confident in their parenting skills, 哪些可以增强个人信心, 太.

Kelley is using her doctoral research and completing additional research, 帮助医院发展这样一个项目.

Kelley presented her doctoral research on two national stages in the past month: the AOTA conference and the National Association of Neonatal Therapists conference in Phoenix.




劳伦·莱恩介绍了她的博士研究项目, 爱荷华州农村的精神疾病:挑战的探索 & 基本要素,在几个会议上.

劳伦·莱恩介绍了她的博士研究项目, 爱荷华州农村的精神疾病:挑战的探索 & 基本要素, at the AOTA conference; the Iowa Occupational Therapy Association fall conference in Waterloo, Iowa; the Institute for Person-Centered Care Conference in Davenport; and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference in Belfast, 北爱尔兰.

她的研究目标是, 在某种程度上, to illustrate how a lack of community mental health services in rural areas can impact the daily functioning, 独立, 严重精神疾病患者的安全.

Implications of her research included the need for occupational therapists to be involved in community programs and interventions to enhance the quality of life of individuals, 促进经济复苏, 并惠及农村医疗体系. She also developed a hypothetical program that would provide Assertive Community Treatment with an OT emphasis.

Lain also is wrapping up her capstone placement at the Iowa Department of Public Health. 毕业后,她想回到爱荷华州的农村实习. She has applied for a John Hopkins fellowship and is also interested in working in labor and delivery.

“在某种程度上, 我想转到正规买球平台有哪些心理健康, and I will continue working to develop my program as I would like to see it implemented one day,莱恩说。.

The impact of the doctoral capstone projects completed by the first OTD cohort multiplies as the projects are shared with, 由, other health professionals in an effort to improve patient care and outcomes, Kilburg说.

“我们分享这些信息,这样其他人也可以学习. 没有这个关键组件, we are not fulfilling our occupational justice mission and impacting the most lives possible,她说.


23岁的校友丹尼尔·萨拉查被选为富布赖特奖学金的决赛选手, 或获奖者, 申请西班牙英语助教奖学金. Fewer than 20% of applicants to the Fulbright program achieve finalist status.

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There were many career paths Johnny McGee ’24 OTD could have pursued. With a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and a Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Psychology, 他想进入体育产业. 但他的祖母总是萦绕在他的脑海里.



24岁的瓦伦丁·科罗斯天生善解人意,无私无私. She can remember so distinctly the feeling of helplessness at the age of eight when she was unable to care for her diabetic mother.

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