
The Folwell Chair, Scholarship, and Lecture


The 弗兰克和多萝西·“简”·福尔威尔 Scholarship is available to full-time undergraduate students interested in public and community service who have at least a 2.平均绩点0分,成绩4分.0级,有经济需求. The award amount varies between $500-$1000 per academic year.

The application period for the Folwell Scholarship is generally between February and March each year. Click here to apply for the scholarship.

For more information about the Folwell scholarship please contact 主席比尔·帕森斯.



The 弗兰克和多萝西·“简”·福尔威尔 Scholarship reflects Jane's life-long commitment to community and public service.

After a 30-year career as a congressional staffer in Washington D.C. from 1951 through 1972, Jane Folwell retired and relocated to the Quad Cities. She then devoted another 40 years to quietly serving her native Quad Cities as an active volunteer and earnest philanthropist. Her husband, 弗兰克, also was an active civic volunteer and philanthropist. The Folwells devoted their energy and gifts to many worthy efforts 包括青少年成就, 创世纪健康服务基金会, 和圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台.

Following 弗兰克's death in 1997, Jane became more interested in St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 and established the 弗兰克和多萝西·“简”·福尔威尔 Chair in 政治科学 and Pre-law in 2001. 在她2013年去世后, the 弗兰克和多萝西·“简”·福尔威尔 Scholarship was created to provide support to students with financial need, 学术能力, and a commitment to community and public service.

The Folwell Chair in 政治科学 and Pre-Law

The Folwell Chair is the first academic chair established at SAU and honors the teachings and life of SAU's namesake. As such, the Folwell Chair promotes political science and pre-law studies.

Initiatives supported and funded by the Folwell Chair include: the annual Folwell讲座; 模拟试验; 模型U.N.; paid internships and research projects for qualified students; faculty research and development; funds for students and faculty to attend academic conferences; and advising for the University's 3+3 agreement with the 爱荷华大学 School of Law. All of the Folwell activities are driven by the Department of 政治科学 and Leadership Studies' commitment to helping students interested in careers in community and public service.

The Folwell Chair also oversees the Folwell Academic Scholarship awarded annually to students with financial need who excel in the classroom and demonstrate an interest and commitment to community and public service.


The 弗兰克和多萝西·“简”·福尔威尔 Chair was established in 2001 by Jane Folwell, an energetic volunteer and generous benefactor for educational, 健康, and community groups and initiatives, 包括青少年成就, 创世纪健康服务基金会, 和圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台.

Folwell's interest in political science and pre-law stems from her 30-year career as a congressional staffer in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the United States Senate. 夫人. Folwell的丈夫, 弗兰克, was a highly respected Quad City businessman and philanthropist who passed away in 1997. 简·福尔威尔的遗产, 谁在2013年去世了, continues in the many important initiatives made possible through the Folwell Chair.


The prestigious Folwell Chair Endowment was established in 2001 by Jane Folwell, an energetic volunteer and generous benefactor for educational, 健康 and community groups and initiatives, 包括青少年成就, 创世纪健康服务基金会, 和圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台. 夫人. Folwell的丈夫, 弗兰克, was a highly-respected Quad Cities businessman and philanthropist who passed away in 1997.

Endowed academic chairs are among the most esteemed resources at universities and colleges. Endowment funds are invested in perpetuity, with their earnings applied toward faculty salaries, 讲师的职位, 奖学金, 以及其他学术资源.


(2023) David Archer, PhD, University of Chicago

(2022)罗纳德. Pestritto,希尔斯代尔学院博士

(2021) Dianne Bystrom, PhD, Iowa State University

(2020. 卡德拉博士,爱荷华大学

(2019) Gerard Wegemer, PhD, University of Dallas

(2018) J. Martin Rochester, PhD, University of Missouri-St. 路易

(2017) Joseph Alulis, PhD, North Park University

(2016) Dr. 托马斯·G. 维斯

(2015) Professor Amaney Jamal, Princeton University

Associate Professor of 政治科学 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha


Associate provost for academic affairs, director of the Center for 国际 Studies, and associate professor of 政治科学
密苏里大学圣路易斯分校. 路易

(2011)牧师. 詹姆斯·沙尔,作家兼教授
Department of Government, 乔治敦大学

(2009) Dr. Susan Martin, The Donald Hertzberg Associate Professor of 国际 Migration

(2008) Dr. 詹姆斯·W. 凯撒,政治学教授
University of Virginia, Charlottesville

(2007) Dr. Michael Palmer, Professor of 政治科学

(2006) Jean Bethke Elsthain, Political Philosopher
University of Chicago Divinity School

(2005) Dr. Berthold Rittberger, Professor of 政治科学
Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany

(2004) Dr. 董寅,法学教授

(2003) Linda Neuman, Former 爱荷华州最高法院法官


L. Joseph Hebert, PhD, Department Chair

政治科学 and Leadership Studies
518 W. 蝗虫圣.


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