Study Abroad

Don't just step through the world. Fully immerse yourself in it by studying abroad.

Live in a place you've only imagined, 学习并成为正规买球平台有哪些的一员,平等地分享他们的快乐, challenges, and traditions. Take a profound journey, one you'll never forget.

In the past few years, our students have studied in the United Kingdom, Spain, Ecuador, Italy, Korea, Japan, Germany, Cyprus, Croatia, Belize, Canada, Australia, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica and more.

View Study Abroad Programs and Apply

Frequently Asked Questions

General Info


Am I eligible to study abroad?


1. 在国外学习计划开始时至少达到大二的状态.
2. Minimum 2.5 GPA (Some of our programs have a higher minimum GPA).
3. No restrictions in Student Accounts or Student Services.

1. Good academic standing. (SAU的教务领导可以自行决定GPA要求).
2. No restrictions in Student Accounts or Student Services.

What types of Study Abroad programs can I choose from?


我们提供交流项目、供应商项目和SAU短期教师主导的项目. 我们还与几个国际教育合作伙伴合作,提供各种各样的出国留学, 以及海外实习和志愿者的机会.

Even though she's a self-declared "homebody,凯特琳·麦克尼古拉斯将她的世界观扩展到了美国以外. She spent a few weeks in Italy in the towns of Rome, Assisi, Florence, and Milan during a Winterim Study Abroad. Read why Kaitlin is glad she pushed her limits.

16岁的山姆·琼斯在大学期间参加了三个海外留学项目. Read more about his experiences.


When is the best time to study abroad?

Any time is a good time to study abroad.

所有本科生都可以参加短期项目. 大多数在国外学习一个学期的学生都是在大三或大四的时候. 

Is study abroad worth the money?


在大学期间,你可以在另一个国家学习,同时支付与在校期间相同的学费. So yes, 在获得大学学分的同时,出国留学是一种经济实惠的旅行和体验世界的方式.

在国外学习期间,你会在很多方面成长:个人、情感、文化和学术. 你会学到宝贵的职业技能,比如批判性思维, problem-solving, and communication across cultures. 在履历中加入国际经验会让你更受雇主青睐. Study Abroad is a great investment in your future.

Just ask Tony Villasenor 11, '13 MBA. 同时攻读国际商务和西班牙语的本科学位, he studied abroad in Barcelona. "It sparked the explorer in me," he says. “我喜欢学习,了解人们来自哪里,了解他们的文化和经历. 能够与来自世界各地的人交流真的推动了我的事业." Read Tony's story.



选择我们批准的学期提供者课程之一的学生可以申请最多4美元,000美元的SAU奖学金加上任何州/联邦援助(不包括勤工俭学)来支付他们出国留学的费用. 鼓励学生通过他们的项目提供者申请奖学金,以及像吉尔曼或博伦奖学金这样具有全国竞争力的奖学金.


Internationalization Strategies

Opportunities for Faculty

Internationalization opportunities abound at St. Ambrose. All it takes is some initiative and planning.


  • Integrate readings, films, music, art, assignments, lectures, 和/或讨论与国际或跨文化的焦点.
  • 包括体验式学习或服务式学习的组成部分,使学生能够在相对接近校园的地方遇到跨文化问题.
  • 与我们在巴西的国际合作伙伴进行远程团队教学, Canada, China, Croatia, Ecuador, England, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Tanzania, and Vietnam or with your own international contacts.
  • 通过咨询博士,交叉列出你的课程作为IS(国际研究)课程. Duk Kim.
  • 咨询博士,将你的课程与西班牙语和拉丁语研究交叉列出. Arturo Meijide


  • 与你所在的院系和学院合作,邀请一位国际访问可以买滚球的正规平台,为期两到三周. See the Proposal Form.
  • Apply for a traditional Fulbright Scholar Award. SAU has a Leave Policy for Fulbright semester grantees.
  • If you don't want to be away for an entire semester, 申请加入富布赖特专家项目名册,为期两到六周.
  • Apply for a CIEE Faculty Development Seminar.
  • Apply for an ISA Faculty Seminar.
  • 组织团队申请国际留学生奖学金,提高本科国际研究和外语教育水平.
  • Conduct joint research and/or host a workshop, seminar, 或与我们的一个或多个国际合作伙伴或您自己的国际联系人举行会议.
  • 申请临时讲师基金,招募一名富布赖特访问可以买滚球的正规平台到校园交流思想,分享他们的具体研究兴趣一到三天.

Teach a Course Abroad

  • 与你的系主任和院长讨论如何将海外学习课程融入你的日常教学负荷中,以提高你的职业目标, enrich your students, and improve the curriculum.
  • Teach a winterim UMAIE course. 您可以在您的课程中招收其他UMAIE成员学校的学生. You will normally teach the course as an overload.
  • 与你的系主任和院长讨论作为国际访问可以买滚球的正规平台的事宜.

Service Opportunities

  • 担任留学部门代表(SADR)或留学区域专家(SARE).
  • Assist with the Study Abroad Fair.
  • 在你的课程和你的导师中推广出国留学.
  • 帮助策划秋季国际教育周和多元化节, My SAU Experience, and the International Poetry Reading in the spring. 
  • 参加蜜蜂家庭项目,在这个项目中,你可以指导一名国际学生.
  • 自愿成为一名国际学生的学术顾问.
  • 为麦卡锡大厅的国际主题正规买球平台有哪些提供教育节目.
  • Join us for our International Coffee Hour.

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多正规买球平台有哪些的虚拟和亲自访问选项.